Please click this link for a personal video message to the students and parents:
Below is a description of how each of my classes will operate:
For all classes:
All learning materials will be posted on my website on Mondays., The 2020 Remote Instruction Tab will be turned on Sunday evening, March 22.
Zoom class meetings will be held on Thursdays.
ZOOM classes - Thursdays
10: 00 - CA History
11:00 - US History (Thursday classes)
12:00 - US History (Friday classes)
1:00 - Speech and Debate (Thursday class)
2:00 - Speech and Debate (Tuesday class)
3:00 - Yearbook
US History & CA History
Both US & CA History classes will continue remotely, just as outlined in the class syllabus. We will be using Zoom, YouTube, and maybe Kahoot! Additionally, students will be directed to the corresponding worksheet in the History Binder. Optional projects can be completed at home. Information and links will be posted weekly on my website: on your “history class tab” under “2020 Remote Instruction.”
America the Beautiful
Each week, I will record the planned lesson. Through my website, parents can play the recorded lesson which will include instruction, story time, songs, and videos (just like in class). Also, parents will be able to download all the materials I had planned to use in the class. The weekly video will be posted on my website: on the “America the Beautiful Tab” under “2020 Remote Instruction.”
FLA Yearbook
Our class will continue remotely! It will be a lot of work, but together, we can complete the yearbook as we planned! We will meet weekly through Zoom to ensure everyone clearly understands their responsibilities, and then each student can work independently on their yearbook assignments. The Zoom Conference invitation will be posted on my website, under the “Yearbook Tab” under “2020 Remote Instruction.”.
Speech and Debate
Our class will meet weekly through Zoom and continue to present speeches, just as we have been doing all semester. It will be a blast! The Zoom Conference invitation will be posted on my website, under the “Speech and Debate Tab” under “2020 Remote Instruction.” We will continue to follow the syllabus, so our first online speech will be “Instructional.”
Hip Hop Civics: Hamilton
This class will continue, unchanged. Each week, I will record the exact same lecture I would have given in class and post the YouTube link on my website: on your “class tab” under “2020 Remote Instruction.” Students are to fill in their Hamilton notebook, just as they have all semester.
Monuments of Freedom
Because this class is so hands-ons, I was uncertain how to continue remotely and thought it should be cancelled; however, the students came up with the solution! For the next two weeks, I will record videos “teaching” about the various monuments we were going to build. The weekly video will be posted on my website: on the “Monuments of Freedom” tab under “2020 Remote Instruction.”
American Cinema
This class will continue unchanged. Each week, I will record the exact same lecture I would have given in class and post the YouTube link on my website: on your “American Cinema” tab under “2020 Remote Instruction.” Students are to fill in their American Cinema notebook, just as they have all semester. The recorded video will include the movies and clips I would have shown in class. I am confident that I will not be violating any copyright laws because the movie/clips are purchased by me and/or used strictly for educational purposes (Quentin was worried!)
Mock Trial
This class can only proceed if ALL students are willing to work remotely. It is like a play, requiring participation by everyone. I will be sending a separate email to the Mock Trial family to determine how to proceed.
Again, thank you for your willingness to explore a new learning style. As we move forward, this is a time for encouragement and grace. Despite this challenge, I know we will make it through together. Both of my college kids are home, doing their classes online via Zoom, and my husband is now working fulltime from home. We are all adjusting to unexpected change. While unexpected, I look forward to continuing our learning together!
Mrs. Chiappe
Feel free to call or text me anytime at: 408-472-6155.